zondag 29 januari 2017

I hope the earth remembers him, as i do.......

I thought the earth remembered me,
She took me back so tenderly
Arranging her skirts
Her pockets full of lichens and seeds.
I slept as never before
A stone on the riverbed,Nothing between me and the white fire of the stars,
But my thoughts.
And they floated light as moths
Among the branches of the perfect trees.
All night I heard the small kingdoms
Breathing around me.
The insects and the birds
Who do their work in darkness.
All night I rose and fell,
As if water, grappling with luminous doom.
By morning I had vanished at least a dozen times
Into something better.
~ Mary Oliver

David, missing you .........3 years.......in mijn hart voor altijd...

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Yes the earth remembers your David Martine: just like the space in our hearts that holds memory and love, the earth knows his footprint, his soul print that never leaves, a memory of essence that lingers for those who knew him, loved him. I have never lost a child but I did lose my parents when I was in my 30's. My father was my touchstone, I was closer to him and after all of this time, there are those moments, especially when I am out among the trees, the hills (he was a shepherd in Spain and for a time was also a shepherd here in America) when I feel his soul print- when he walks beside me, in memory, in heart, in essence and I am comforted.

  2. Lieve Martine,
    een wens diep uit het hart,voor je lieve zoon.
    Mooie woorden ter nagedachtenis,van Mary Oliver.
    veel liefs en sterkte.

  3. o lieve lieve Martine
    wat een prachtig gedicht voor jouw prachtige zoon
    lieverd, ik kan me er geen voorstelling van maken hoeveel pijn jij hebt
    je bent zo mooi maar soms voel ik je binneste schreeuwen van paniek
    ik hou van je
